2023 promises to be “interesting times” based on are turbulent political, economic and operating environments, combined with the uncertainty/unpredictability of the impacts we will be experiencing.
Successful strategy execution requires more than strategic objectives and priorities. More than glossy diagrams... it requires a Strategy-Execution Roadmap (which will later inform what we do, our OKRs, and the Modern Management System). We will call this the “Strategic Framing” – like the framing for building a house. It is the framing that determines the overall structure, but all the details – wiring, plumbing, heating, windows, etc. still need to be added.
This is an Executive Summary of the Quarterly (or as needed) OKR Refresh process.
The biggest lesson for us is the "one size does not fit all". OKRs touch every aspect of an individual's work-life, and as such there are multiple attributes that can be built into your OKR solution..