OKR Coaching
Executives helping executives
OKRs deliver the best in organizations but require the best from your leaders.
When leading organizations with OKRs, you team needs management, social, strategic, analytic and change management skills – delivered in a way that allows for small, simple steps forward and develops the entire team while on the journey. In the OKR environment these capabilities are quite different from the siloed way they are used in traditional organizations.
The ROI of coaching
People are the only sustainable competitive advantage for any organization. Coaching at the individual level, team level, and organizational levels, the performance benefits of coaching are clear.
20% Increase in productivity with coaching
31% Increase in team performance
52% Reduction in burnout
60% Increase in five-year revenue growth
Research based OKR success
The power of our services comes from our unique workshop format
Over our last 3,000 projects, we have developed a series of award-winning two, three and five-day hands-on workshops. We can work together through our most popular workshops, or you can custom-build yours to best suit your needs.
The benefits include:
- We develop your internal team, so they understand and own your OKR solution – you won’t need additional consulting services
- Create momentum by quickly delivering a working solution
- Generate strong ownership – because your team builds it, they own it, rather than being imposed by an external consultant
- You can start anywhere – at the top of your organization, in a region, for a product, or for a specific team
- We take away the risk of buying consulting services through our fixed prices and guaranteed results
- Minimize the time it takes to create your OKR solution, both with senior leadership and the rest of the organization
- We provide a lower total cost solution with better end quality.

Coaching like you have never experienced before
Pm2 pairs you with a dedicated OKR coach whose sole job is to provide you with the unique OKR knowledge, skills and small-wins you need to achieve your OKRs. All you need to do is show up – we will provide you with all the encouragement, reminders, education and direction to get those OKRs moving! Our coaches help you unlock the magic of your OKRs and help you and your team get more done in a few days than most organizations do in a month. We have proven our approach with all sizes of organizations, from all sectors and from around the world. We are ready for you.
The magic is the meetings
Having great, well written, S.M.A.R.T. OKRs is only 10% of the journey – the other 90% (and success) comes from everyone being aligned and pulling together towards success, and the place where you make that happen is in your meetings, where those are scheduled meetings, one-on-ones, ad-hoc or cross functional. The problem is very few organizations carefully engineer their meetings – we tend to put a bunch of people in a room (or Zoom call) and hope that great answers come out. Our coaches will ensure that those meetings are structured and facilitated for success.
How we work with you
1. Preparation
We will assess your starting point both with OKRs and the five OKR capabilities. Based on this assessment we will co-create a customized training and coaching program.

2. Day-to-day management
Once a week, at a time you commit to, you’ll get on the phone/web with your coach to execute your weekly OKR Action Plan.
You finish the call with your week’s game-plan set, scheduled and mapped out in our private members only software app (which will track your progress). Your coach also emails you a personalized summary for reference.
Your coach will do all the heavy lifting, asking the right questions, organizing your thoughts, breaking down goals into realistic action steps and making sure you have scheduled time on your calendar. After this coaching session you will have developed clear goals, identified your highest impact activities, and created a focused action plan for the week ahead.

3. Running effective OKR meetings
Based on your organization’s cadence, our coaches help you:
- Assess this period’s performance and commentary
- Set the best OKR meeting agenda, SMEs, roles, etc.
- Prepare the team prepare for the OKR meeting
- Run an affective meeting, drawing in all participants
- Make sure all agreements are followed-up after the OKR meeting

4. CFRs - One-on-one meetings
Your one-on-one meetings as a manager, supervisor, or leader are different from typical business meetings as you need to prioritize the employee, but blend in strategy, OKRs, personalities, and performance. We will help you connect with your team, communicate with radical candor, receive feedback and guidance, and provide coaching.

5. Training
Throughout your coaching journey you will receive pertinent training on OKR-related best-practices and their application in your organization. This training is not available anywhere else. Topics include:
- Capturing Strategy and Priorities
- OKR Concepts
- Effective Coaching techniques and methods
- CFRs– Conversations, Feedback and Recognition
- Running effective OKR meetings

Pm2 Coaching: Turning Your OKRs Into Concrete Results
As each week goes by, with our coaching, you’ll find day-to-day the OKRs will gradually inch forward. Before you know it, you start gaining momentum and things start getting easier. You start feeling more confident about yourself and the path you are on. Your pm2 coach is right there next to you. Keeping you on track, killing shiny object syndrome, holding you accountable, and helping you maintain the momentum and speed you’ve picked up. The results keep getting better and better, and so do you and your team.

Every pm2 Coach Is:
An experienced business executive who has chosen to use and pass on their considerable knowledge and decades of experience to other organizations.
Our coaches have hands-on experience at building OKR solutions and running businesses with OKRs.

OKR Launch Coaching Package
Intended for organizations that have completed their OKR-building phase, have them in their system of record and have begun their first OKR reporting period. Coaching to support the first monthly OKR Performance Meeting of first Quarterly Retrospective & Refresh meeting:
- Assess this period’s performance and commentary
- Set the best OKR meeting agenda, SMEs, roles, etc.
- Prepare the team for their first OKR meeting
- Run an affective meeting, drawing in all participants
- Make sure all agreements are follow-up after the OKR meeting
$10,000 plus travel, if desired

Monthly-cycle Coaching Package
Support for a Leader through an entire month, including:
- Four 1-on-1 coaching sessions
- Coaching on/in three daily-huddles, three weekly meetings, one end-of-month OKR Meeting

OKR-Leader Traing Package
Training for up to 10 participants covering the unique aspects of managing through OKRs including OKR-specific content around:
- Strategic clarity
- OKR best practices
- CFRs and coaching with OKRs
- Managing with OKRs
- Running effective OKR meetings
On-demand Hourly Coaching – coaching support in managing through OKRs - $1,000/hr