OKR Specialists
OKR-specific support based on 3,000+ clients
OKRs help you measure what matters.
How does your team know what they should do more of, and less of, to support the organization’s success? OKRs are as much about what you stop doing, then what you start doing…
Our proven approach helps your team quickly surface their critical success factors and build them into an effective management system. Our support has a few key components:
1. Fast. We can have you operational in as little as five days.
2. Owned. Our support is delivered through learn/do/check cycles where your team owns their OKRs because they built them!
3. Perpetual. Your organization learns the skills to maintain your OKRs for ever.
4. Agile. The world never stops changing, so your OKRs better keep up.
Pm2 has a series of courses for either single teams, companies or multiple organizations. Our hands-on, practical training allows participants to work through examples from their own organizations. Our pre-set courses include:
• The OKR Primer. Intended for organizations just beginning their OKR journey
• OKR Champion Training. Sessions for your internal champions that cover everything from OKR best practices to project and change management
• Leading with OKRs. Training for your leadership team on the unique approaches needed to maximize your OKRs
Want to learn more?
Give us a call or drop us an email – we are always happy to chat! We can help you scope your project and let you know about pricing and timing right away.

OKR Building Workshop
Our award-winning 5-day (14 web sessions) OKR Building Workshop is guaranteed to deliver powerful OKRs to your team in a remarkably short period.
We have delivered this workshop, along with our certified OKR Consultants, over 10,000 times for organizations of all sizes and sectors, around the world, and it has never failed to work!
This workshop has been licensed by large corporations like IBM and Motorola and professional organizations like Chartered Professional Accountants.
This fixed-fee program is customized to your unique situation and is compatible with all the existing OKR software tools (we have implemented most of them, over the years.)
Want to learn more?
Give us a call or drop us an email – we are always happy to chat! We can help you scope your project and let you know about pricing and timing right away.

Managing with OKRs
OKR success comes from how they are used in the day-to-day operations and management of the business. Pm2 has developed a series of special-topic workshops including;
• Rewards & Compensation with OKRs. It is a misconception that OKRs should not be part of your compensation model. This workshop integrates best-practice compensation and rewards processes with OKRs.
• Budgeting with OKRs. There must be a relationship between your OKRs and budgets. This workshop takes you through using FP&A best practices with OKRs.
• Human Capital Planning with OKRs. OKRs can only be achieved if you have the human capital to do the work. This workshop takes you through best practices in using OKRs to plan for human resources, assign clear accountability, and design effective organizations.
Want to learn more?
Give us a call or drop us an email – we are always happy to chat! We can help you scope your project and let you know about pricing and timing right away.

Strategic Planning for OKRs
Most organizations have a strategy – even if it is not documented. In most cases the existing strategy is the one that you should use to begin your OKR journey…in our experience the best refinements to your strategy will come after you have used OKRs for six months or more. Even when organizations set a new strategy right before their OKR project, that strategy often changes after six months of using your OKRs.
Existing strategies often need some refinement before they can be used for OKRs –strategies are often written to communicate to stakeholders and not to detail priorities or have detailed targets, which you need for your OKRs.
We have developed a special two-day workshop designed to harvest those aspects of your strategy required to power your OKRs. In this workshop you will capture:
• Existing strategic objectives
• Strategic priorities for the next quarter and year
• Key Result targets
• Top-level OKR ownership (RACI)
Want to learn more?
Give us a call or drop us an email – we are always happy to chat! We can help you scope your project and let you know about pricing and timing right away.

OKR Audit and Assessment
Most organizations have experimented with OKRs, or have been using a similar performance management system such as:
- Balanced Scorecard
- OGSM (objectives, goals, strategies, and measures)
- EOS(Enterprise Operating System)
- 4DX (Four Disciplines of Execution)
- MAP Vital Factors
- Making Big Happen
Each of these methodologies brings great capabilities, but organizations sometimes outgrow them, need different capabilities, or just want a change. Our audit will assess your current strategy execution capabilities and identify your current strengths and weaknesses and recommend ways to improve your management system.
Our assessment covers your system’s capabilities around:
- Translating strategy into operational terms
- Aligning the organization
- Providing focus
- Engaging employees
- Making strategy a continuous process
- Leading organizational success

Want to learn more?
Give us a call or drop us an email – we are always happy to chat! We can help you scope your project and let you know about pricing and timing right away.