Building Your OKRs
A proven train-the-trainer program that delivers great OKRs and a skilled team
Your OKRs are just waiting for you to harvest them.
Do you know the biggest trick to building great OKRs? Don’t think too hard.
Your organization has already been successful – your OKRs are either already within your organizational-ecosystem, or within easy grasp. All you need are some simple techniques to harvest the things that will continue to make you great, and add in the new things you need to begin doing. (Of course, part of the magic, is STOP doing the things that get in the way of success.) That’s where our five-day (14 web session) workshop comes in.
OKR Building Workshop
Our award-winning 5-day (14 web sessions) OKR Building Workshop is guaranteed to deliver powerful OKRs to your team in a remarkably short period.
We have delivered this workshop, along with our certified OKR Consultants, over 10,000 times for organizations of all sizes and sector, around the world, and it has never failed to work!
This workshop has been licensed by large corporations like IBM and Motorola and professional organizations like Chartered Professional Accountants.
This fixed-fee program is customized to your unique situation and is compatible with all the existing OKR software tools (we have implemented most of them, over the years.)

How we work with you
0. Preparation
We will assess your starting point both with OKRs and the five OKR capabilities. Based on this assessment we will co-create a customized program to build on what you have already created and use the words you already use..

1. Capture Strategic Objectives, Priorities and Targets
Your Executive team will be guided through a strategy-harvesting and alignment workshop that will result in your “North Star” – the overall marker that your teams will need to respond to and develop their OKRs in sort.

2. Process Linkage & Cascade
Your Executive team will be guided through a strategy-harvesting and alignment workshop that will result in your “North Star” – the overall marker that your teams will need to respond to and develop their OKRs in sort.

3. Creating your OKRs
Your teams then work separately and together to create and align their OKRs, ensuring that cross-functional objectives and key results are captured, and clear responsibilities are agreed to.

4. Build your OKR Solution
Using your OKR software we will guide the best techniques for inputting your OKRs and maximizing on the software’s capabilities vs. your needs. To date, we have implemented 35 different OKR applications. Our team has been trained and certified by quite a few of those vendors, such as Betterworks, Gtmhub, Ally, and Workboard.

5. Launch your business operating system
The benefits start piling up once you turn on your new management processes using OKRs. In our final workshop we will help you develop your reporting timetables, responsibilities and run your first professionally structured OKR Performance Meeting.