The Multiple Faces of Sustainability
The Sustainability Strategy Map and Scorecard allows you to restate the same measures in different frameworks...UN-SDG or GRI or <IR> or B-Corp... and for different stakeholders - regulators, employees, customers, suppliers and others.
The Sustainability Strategy Map and Scorecard allows you to restate the same measures in different frameworks...UN-SDG or GRI or <IR> or B-Corp... and for different stakeholders - regulators, employees, customers, suppliers and others.

It is analogous to using a prism to split the light from a source. The prism in this case is the Sustainability Scorecard software. The software needs to support the capability for any measure to roll-up to multiple different frameworks.

In some cases we can use the same Sustainability Strategy Map but filter the data for each stakeholder.
The Board of Directors, for example, would probably see the same Sustainability Strategy Map, but see only "communication"-type metrics (see the six types of scorecards)

Likewise, customers and suppliers need to see a public-facing view of the same Sustainability Strategy Map.

There are other stakeholders who actually have a different Sustainability Strategy. For example, think of different Brand or Product Groups. Their sustainability journey might involve packaging, vs water consumption vs post-use disposal.

Regulators, in particular, typically have their own Strategies and frameworks, requiring a different context and in some cases unique measures.
In the end, we need the capability of easily restating your sustainability activities in a way that others can understand...

So the same Scorecard can be filtered, or split, to produce the view of Sustainability required by each different stakeholder.